Votes and Proceedings - Plenary

Meeting Venue:

Y Siambr - Y Senedd

Meeting date:
Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Meeting time: 13.30
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:



Record of Proceedings

View the Record of Proceedings




1       Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Education


The item started at 13.30

The first 6 questions were asked. The Presiding Officer invited party spokespeople to ask questions to the Cabinet Secretary after Question 2.




2       Questions to the Counsel General


The item started at 14.20

The 4 questions were asked.




3       Topical Questions


The item started at 14.37

To the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport:

Julie Morgan (Cardiff North): What are the implications for Wales following the decision to hold a public inquiry into the contaminated blood scandal?

To the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure (answered by the Minister for Skills and Science):

Eluned Morgan (Mid and West Wales): What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary held regarding job losses resulting from the confirmed closure of DWP offices in Llanelli and other parts of Wales?

To the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure:

Mohammad Asghar (South Wales East): Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on how the Welsh Government intends to prevent job losses at Coilcolor in Newport?




4       90 Second Statements


The item started at 15.18

Suzy Davies made a statement on the Friends of Aberdulais Falls, a charitable group which recently celebrated its 30th anniversary.

Vikki Howells made a statement on ‘Caradog’s Côr Mawr’: the victory of the South Wales Choral Union at the Crystal Palace Challenge Cup on 10 July 1873.

Simon Thomas made a statement to mark 50 years since the Welsh Language Act 1967.




5       Motion to approve the Official Languages Scheme for the Fifth Assembly and note the compliance report for the period 2015-2017


The item started at 15.23

NDM6365 Elin Jones (Ceredigion)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Approves the Assembly Commission's Official Languages Scheme, in accordance with paragraph 8(11)(d) of Schedule 2 of the Government of Wales Act 2006, laid before the National Assembly for Wales on 5 July 2017; and

2. Notes the Compliance Report on the Assembly Commission's Official Languages Scheme for the period 2015-2017, in accordance with paragraph 8(8) of Schedule 2 of the Government of Wales Act 2006, laid before the National Assembly for Wales on 5 July 2017.

The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.




6       Debate by Individual Members under Standing Order 11.21(iv)


The item started at 15.50

Voting on the motion under this item was deferred until voting time.


David Melding (South Wales Central)

Dai Lloyd (South Wales West)

Caroline Jones (South Wales West)

Rhun ap Iorwerth (Ynys Môn)

Julie Morgan (Cardiff North)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes that Wales is the only home nation without a specialist paediatric rheumatology centre.

2. Notes that there are an estimated 400 children in South Wales alone that are suffering with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.

3. Recognises the need for a multidisciplinary paediatric rheumatology centre in Wales.

4. Notes that the Welsh Health Specialist Services Committee is undertaking a comprehensive review of paediatric specialised services in Wales.

5. Calls on the Welsh Government to support calls from Arthritis Care, the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society and the British Society for Rheumatology for the creation of a fully dedicated multidisciplinary paediatric rheumatology centre in Wales.

The result was as follows:









The motion was agreed.




7       Debate on the 'Live Music Protection in Wales' Petition


The item started at 16.46

NDM6362 David Rowlands (South Wales East)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

Notes the petition P-05-756 Live Music Protection in Wales which has received 5,383 signatures.


The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.




8       Voting time


The item started at 17.28









9       Short Debate


The item started at 17.29

NDM6363 Jayne Bryant (Newport West)

Remembering Srebrenica




The meeting concluded at 17.51

The Assembly will sit again in Plenary at 13.30, Tuesday, 18 July 2017